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Hard to believe that we are already into July and the season seems to be moving by too quickly. On July 6th we are having our annual BBQ in conjunction with the fireworks on Prairie. The link to RSVP has been sent out on email and is on the club’s Facebook page. Hope to see many of you on the 6th.

During the next week we will be replacing the deck on the bridge on B dock. There is a section that is rotted and other areas that are showing signs of deterioration. Since this is a safety issue it is a priority project. The replacement will not affect access to boats and should only take a day to replace.

We continue to find locks not scrambled, doors in the house not locked and lights left on. Please take time to scramble the locks as soon as you open the lock so that all of our boats are secure. The sliding doors in the house are the main issue with one or both of the locks not secure. There are two locks on each sliding door and if you are unfamiliar with how to lock the doors please check with a member who is or ask one of the board members. Electricity is one of our major expenses and failing to turn off lights increases our expenses.

A map issued by the reservoir office showing where fishing is prohibited around the reservoir will be posted on the bulletin board near the restrooms. Our area is designated as a non fishing area. We have also received a sign from the Prairie Creek office designating our harbor area for lease holders only. This sign will be posted in a prominent location at the end of on e of our docks. We are attempting to get more signs so that it is more apparent that our harbor area is not a public access area. Hopefully this will keep some of the fisherman away from our boats.

The Jeep event that was held in June was a success and they will be doing the event next year .This year we were asked to dpo a boat parade and sail in concert and we received very positive feedback and have been asked to do it again next year but they will be moved down toward the launch ramp area so that people can get a better view of us sailing together.

If you are in the beach area of the club you will notice an area that has been designated as as do not disturb area. There are a group of turtles nesting in this area and we are trying to let them propagate and be a welcome addition to the reservoir.

See you on the 6th.