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August continues to be a busy month as we continue to expand the kayak storage. At the beginning of the season we erected 10 storage bins, then added 4 more and we are now adding an additional 4 bringing the total to 18 bins with 15 already filled. We have only 3 available. If you have interest in one of the three remaining spots you can request one by responding to this email. Since these spots are available midway through the season the fee for the remainder of the season will be $25 and the optional winter storage is available for $20. All vessels must have a city tag to be launched and stored at the club. The bins will be available on a first come first served basis. The construction of the last 4 spots is expected to be complete by mid next week.

As part of the the kayak storage construction process the dock house has under gone a bit of reorganization. All materials (lumber, poles and fixtures) are on racks on the south wall of the dock house. Jack stands, tarps and other materials are stored on carts so that they are easily moved. Ladders are located in the northeast corner of the dock house and hung on a rack. If you use one of the ladders please return it to the rack where you found it. A small light weight ladder has replaced the old wobbly wooden ladder that presented a safety issue. The new ladder has a platform step at the top, grab bar and a tool tray that can be used or folded out of the way. This ladder will provide a comfortable safe working platform.

In the coming weeks we will be making improvements to the lifting in the dock house. A few of the fixtures need to be replaced and all of the lighting will be energy efficient LED fixtures. This will provide brighter lower cost lighting.

Enjoy the summer and see you on the water.