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It is hard to believe that we are approaching fall. We are preparing for the end of season and want to remind everyone of a few important dates.

Important dates are:

  • October 15, 2024 – Payment due for winter kayak storage. If not utilizing water storage bins must be emptied by October 23, 2024.
  • October 20, 2024 – Annual meeting pitch in dinner and election of 3 board members & officers
  • October 23, 2024 – All boats, trailers removed from club property
  • October 26, 2024 – Dock day to remove docks, store club boats and free flow docks A & B
  • October 27, 2024 – Clubhouse officially closed for the season

The lighting update for the dock house is completed and the entry lights on the motion sensor are functioning properly. With the addition of 4 more kayak storage bins some items have to be relocated temporarily. The goal is to find a permanent home for all items and put as many items on rolling platforms for easy movement. We are evaluating everything in the dock house and removing non essential items so that we can effectively use the space for winter storage. For this reason if you have not paid for an assigned a kayak storage bin or requested permission to temporarily store personal items in the dock house they need to be removed immediately.

We are currently inspecting and replacing worn chain on the anchoring system for “B” dock. The hardware on “B” dock has been in place for 9 years and there has been wear on some components. Going forward we are establishing an inspection of the anchoring systems on “A” and “B” docks on a 4 year cycle. The increase of speed and wave boats has added to the wear of the anchor hardware. There is a larger on going discussion with the Prairie Creek staff concerning damage caused by wave boats and high speed boats causing damage to property and erosion of the shoreline.

Finally, members will begin pulling their boats as we enter the fall season. Please do not park on tthe north side of the upper parking open for the gin pole use. User’s of the gin pole remember to inspect the bridle before using and sign in on the gin pole user sheet. If you find damage to the bridle contact me or Steve Scherschel for a replacement.

Enjoy the final days of the season!